I’m the Man

The eternal cliche’ – “I have been thinking of writing a blog for quite some time now

I ‘ve lost count of the number of times I’ve found this statement in any blog’s very first post. And I’m resuing it in my own.

Yes… I also have been thinking for a long duration on starting blogging … soon … The simplest reason for the delay (as if .. there was a fixed time) .. . could be sheer laziness … or maybe .. inhibitions .. that how bad could I get.

I would be presenting my ideas on a variety of topics that interest/disinterest me along with others. The main purpose of my writing my own blog (and I believe this is the prime purpose of blogging) is – to give me a sense of satisfaction – “that I can express myself” .. that I can raise a voice and … if I’m lucky … and if I’m any good …. could maybe get heard too.. :).

the title of the blog .. “The mighty one” came to my mind .. this morning when I was watching a movie named “the motorcycle diaries” .. the actor (don’t remember the name) says … from now on… we live as per “the mighty one” . could not think of anything better. 😦

I would try to be regularly blogging. and would try to respond to all comments posted… Maybe I’ll have to hire someone for that 🙂 ( … assuming my entire fan following turn into my blog’s followers also… ).

Dude .. don’t be turned off … I’m very modest.

And all i know is- that “I’m the Man.”